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I found that you have this journal I need. How can I find it?
1465 views | 0 0 | Last updated on Aug 27, 2019 Do you have...? Where...?
There are several steps to take:
- Check the record to determine if the Library has electronic access to the journal. If it does, a link will show up in the middle of the page.
- Check the record and determine the LOCATION of the particular issue that you want. [More]
- If the location is "U of L Main Collection", then write down the CALL NUMBER and look for it just as you'd look for a book in the Main Collection. [More]
- If the location is "U of L Current Serials", proceed to the Current Serials shelves on Level 10 and search for the journal by its Library of Congress Call Number. [More]
- If the location is "U of L Microform Collection", write down the CALL NUMBER and search for the film or fiche in the Microform Collection on Level 11. [More]